Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Many Uses of Velcro Ties

It doesn't matter if you call them strips, straps, wraps, or ties, Velcro brand self-wrapping ties are some of the most useful products around. Supplies On Demand carries Velcro strap products that will make any task you can think of easier. We sell short Velcro straps, long Velcro straps, thin Velcro straps, thich Velcro strapsblack Velcro straps, gray Velcro straps, green Velcro straps, multi-color Velcro straps, Velcro straps for in the garden, and cable ties for behind the TV and computer. There are literally thousands of uses for these great little ties, and our goal here at Supplies On Demand is to tell you about just a few of them.

The Many Uses of Velcro Ties

- Bundle cables behind the TV or computer

- Bundle a computer cord for traveling

- Wrap rolled-up belts for travel or storage

- Keep pens and pencils together in a purse

- Bind flip-flops together so you don't lose one

- Neatly store spare cables and wires

- Wrap around bottom of pant leg to keep from getting caught in bike chain

- Keep the cables of your hair-drier, curling iron, a flat iron wound

- Bind together the legs of card tables to make a long table

- Tie together handles of plastic grocery bags to make them easier to carry

- Cut up colored ties, and stick them to felt to make a work of art

How do you use Velcro ties? Share your ideas in the comment section!

1 comment:

  1. Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!

    velcro straps
